打开后输入如下指令: powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html" 。 然后打开c盘: 看不懂的就用谷歌翻译。 如何 查看 笔记本 电池 损耗 情况 -不借助软件 powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html. a simple bat to get battery report. Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox. 如何查询笔记本电池使用情况,电脑用户们都知道,笔记本电脑都会附带一块专用的电池,但是一般情况下用户们并没有办法查看到电池使用情况,甚至想要查询也不懂的从何入手,遇见这样的情况有没有什么好的方法可以解决呢?下面就一起来看看查看笔记本电池使用情况的方法。 运行 powercfg /batteryreport 会在当前路径中生成 HTML 报告文件。 Running powercfg /batteryreport generates an HTML report file in the current path. Per generare il report, aprite il file in formato HTML con il browser powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html" It will generate a report file named battery_report.html under the root path of C: drive. Danach den folgenden, etwas komplexen Befehl eintippen: "powercfg /batteryreport /output C:\Akku-Bericht.html". PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery-report-new-jun.html" DESIGN CAPACITY: 37,962 mWh: FULL CHARGE CAPACITY: 29,207 mWh . در این صفحه، عبارت powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery-report.html” را تایپ یا کپی کنید و کلید اینتر را بزنید تا فرمان اجرا شود. You can replace “C:\” with a location and path of your choice to output to, but for this guide, we’ll be using the root of C drive. The Windows 10 powercfg battery report can only be created using a PowerShell-command which will store a static html-file on your disk. You can change the output path to another location on your system but need to make sure that the directory you want it created in exists before you run the command. Now type the command powercfg /batteryreport into the command prompt window. You can also give the path to save the file at a particular storage location. 3.在C盘下生成一个battery_report.html文件,用浏览器打开后可以观察电池寿命及相关损耗情况:(该文件不是动态的,并不会更新,以后查看还需运行命令) 找到Installed batteries,可以看到相关信息 powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html" Pressione “Enter” e aguarde pela exibição da mensagem “Relatório de vida útil da bateria salvo em C:\battery_report.html.”. powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html" 打開「battery-report.html」文件,就可以查看電池電量的詳細信息了。 電池電量報告怎麼看? battery-report.html所蘊含的信息非常豐富,下面來簡單解 … Type powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html”, and hit Enter key. A command-line utility known as POWERCFG allows you to access this data in a well-organized manner. Copiate ed incollate qui powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html” e premete “Invio” Il percorso è C:\ , ma in qualità di utenti potete scegliere anche un altro percorso. powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\ battery_report.html" Sarà generato il file " battery_report.html " sul disco C: , non ti resta che aprirlo e verificare il risultato del test della batteria del tuo notebook.. Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox. There you will find a file named “battery_report.” powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html" 打开“battery-report.html”文件,就可以查看电池电量的详细信息了。 电池电量报告怎么看? battery-report.html所蕴含的信息非常丰富,下面来简单解读 … 4. Double-click on it to review the report in your default browser e.g. Step 2: In the prompted window, type powercfg /batteryreport or powercfg / batteryreport / output“ C:\ battery-report.html” and hit Enter to execute the command. When you run the command, you’ll get a message saying “Battery life report saved to file path C:\battery-report.html. Dadurch erstellt Windows 10 einen Report und speicher ihn auf der Festplatte. Now open “This PC” from your desktop and open Local Disk (C:). and. powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html" The system will inform you when the file has been successfully created and saved. powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html 运行成功后会提示:保存路径 运行后C盘下出现该文件 3.在 C盘 下生成一个 battery_report.html文件 ,用浏览器打开后可以观察电池寿命及相关损耗情况:( 该文件不是动态的,并不会更新,以后查看还需运行命令) I've searched /C: and there's no battery report file to be found on my computer. Now open Windows Explorer and open the C drive on your system. 2. powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery_report.html" It will generate a report file named battery_report.html under the root path of C: drive. powercfg -energy -output energyreport.html. I've deleted the battery-report.html out of the System32 folder and emptied it out of the recycling bin. powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery-report.html" 3. ... powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\Full Path\battery_report.html" Note: C:Full path is an example for a particular location while saving. You can copy and paste this command for quick usage. powercfg /batteryreport /output "c:/battery_report.html"...and any other similar variation. Double-click on it to review the report in your default browser e.g. Then, the program will run automatically and tell you the location of its storage. پس از آن، محل ذخیرهی گزارش بر روی کامپیوتر شما را اعلام میکند. دستور powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html را در Command Prompt جایگذاری کنید و اینتر را بزنید. Ga nu naar DEZE PC of MIJN COMPUTER en zoek het bestand op jouw C schijf. powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\mybatteryreport.html” Als het goed is verschijnt er nu de tekst dat het gelukt is en dat het batterij rapport is opgeslagen. It will tell you where the report has been saved on your computer. powercfg /batteryreport /output C:\battery_report.html 之后,便可在C盘根目录中生成一个网页文件battery_report.html。 这就是我们需要的电池健康报告。 powercfg /batteryreport /output "c:\battery_report.html" Alternative: run powercfg /batteryreport instead. CMD 下 powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html” powercfg 参数 /LIST、/L 列出所有电源方案。 /QUERY 语法: Syntax: powercfg /batteryreport [ /output file_name] [ /xml ] powercfg /batteryreport [ /output file_name] [ /xml ] Step 3: Exit the PowerShell and find the battery report on your computer. This saves the report to the user folder under the name battery-report.html. For further troubleshooting, please check in a new admin account. You will see a small black pop-up window, type powercfg/batteryreport/output “C\battery-report.html” on the first available line and click the Enter key; Some text will display and then you’ll see a path to where your you can find the report; Close the window; Check for the report’s location by using File Explorer. powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html. Contribute to ParrySMS/batteryreport development by creating an account on GitHub. powercfg /batteryreport. This html-file then can be opened with any browser. powercfg -energy -output c:\energiebericht.html -duration 3 Es bietet sich an, während der Systemanalyse mit Windows-R und C: im Explorer die C-Partition zu öffnen. Type or paste powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:\battery-report.html" into the window and press Enter to run the command. You will get an instant response as Battery life report saved to file path C:\battery_report.html. /output filename - specifies the name and path of the generated HTML report file. Here, you will find the battery-report.html file. Het bestand heeft deze naam: Open dit bestand en bekijk het accu rapport. Nel giro di qualche istante dovrebbe comparire una riga che confermerà il buon esito dell’operazione. powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html” e premete il tasto “Invio” della tastiera. Spostatevi su questo percorso. Simply press Windows key + … The Windows 10 powercfg battery report can only be created using a PowerShell-command which will store a static html-file on your disk. Step 3: Now that the report has been generated, navigate to the location of the file, which is C:\ in our case. Business Insider Ahora abre el Explorador de archivos y entra en la carpeta raíz C para encontrarte el informe. Type in and enter: powercfg /batteryreport This command will create a battery report under C:\WINDOWS\system32\battery-report.html or, in Windows versions … En la ventana de comandos escribe lo siguiente: powercfg /batteryreport /output C:\battery-report.html y pulsa Enter. For example type powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery_report.html” and the report file is saved in the C:\root folder. It depends on you. When I plotted the original battery's demise from the report, it show a clear stair-step pattern downward over time. : Specifies one or more of the following Power Request Types: Display, System, Awaymode.